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Our Fav Dating Tips for Women

Dating 101
18 Jul 2024
8 min read

When it comes to dating advice for women, your gender should not dictate what pieces of dating advice are the best to follow. Pieces of advice such as “Be Yourself” or “Start off with a joke” are universal to all of us.

However, there are some specific pieces of dating advice that are best suited for us girls. Some of these take some of the more universal pieces of the best dating advice and break them down even further, and some are completely separate from those one-size-fits-all rules. Whether you are going on your first date as you enter the dating scene, or have already been in an established, healthy relationship, check out these tiny pieces of wisdom to let you slay.

Related reading: 60 Female Dating Profile Bios to Stand Out

18 Dating Tips: The Best Dating Advice for Women

The process of dating should be fun. Here are some tips that just make sense.

1. Choose One Online Dating Service to Sign Up for

When you first enter the dating world it can be very tempting to sign up for multiple dating apps because of how many there are. This can easily become confusing and overwhelming as you may find yourself looking at one dating app while messaging someone from another. You can lose track of your conversations, and all of those notifications can really heighten your anxieties. Take a breath, do your research, and find one dating app that works for you.

2. Make Your Boundaries Clear From the Very Beginning

One of the biggest mistakes a lot of women make is to not make their boundaries clear from the beginning. This is because a lot of women are taught that they essentially need to be people pleasers and that their wants and needs don’t matter. This couldn’t be further from the truth and we are happy to see that people are starting to step away from this ideal. Let the person you go out with know exactly what you will not tolerate and don’t be afraid to just walk away if they do not respect those boundaries. If they choose to disrespect them early in the relationship they definitely won’t respect them later on.

Dating advice for women: Check your boundaries

3. Learn What Your Love Language Is

A woman who is about to go on a series of dates should try their best to learn what their love language is. This is one of our favorite tips because everyone loves differently, and it can be a good way to be honest with the person you are going out with and to ensure that you know that they know you are showing your love in the way you know how to. If you are unsure of what your love language is you can ask people you trust such as your mom, or a friend.

4. Go with the Flow

A woman should be honest about what they want, however a woman should also be able to shift at the moment the world seems to shift gears. Of course you don’t have to be flexible to the point that you have to address giving up your dreams or consider quitting the job you have for a particularly good match. However differences in plans can happen and you need to be able to compromise in order to make things work out.

5. Always Ask Them Questions

A good way to manage your expectations is to make sure that the wants and needs of both sides are established, and the best way to do this is to ask a few specific questions before you go out on a date. This helps to ensure that the date goes in the right direction and that you are wasting less of your time.

  • “What do you want in a relationship?”
  • “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
  • “How would you describe a day with your family?”

These questions will help you envision what a regular day with the person you are dating will be like and can help you decide if you want to move forward with the relationship.

Related reading: 21 Questions for a New Relationship

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Put Yourself Out There

One of our favorite dating tips is to just put yourself out there. Sure the person for you might just come waltzing into your life, however you will have a hard time finding them if you aren’t open about the fact that you are in the dating pool.

7. You Are Their Partner, Not Their Mother

Despite what you may have been taught, your partner is capable of doing things for themselves. If you enjoy packing their lunch or cleaning up the house that is fine. But you should be aware that they can do those things for themselves as well and should be able to do those things for you too.

8. It’s About Equity, Not Equality

This is one of our absolute favorite pieces of dating insights for women. As nice as a complete 50/50 split sounds it isn’t always realistic or in line with a good relationship. There are days where you are going to be giving 90% and your partner is only going to be giving 10%. There are days when your partner is giving 60% and you’re only giving 40%. The issue is when that uneven split becomes a pattern and one of you is suffering because of it.

All dating tips are about being able to communicate your truth

9. Communication Is Key

One thing a lot of single women struggle with is communication, or rather they struggle with finding alternative ways to communicate. Often times women find themselves stewing in the frustration that certain scenarios bring to them instead of effectively communicating their issues to their partners.

Remember that people make mistakes, and while you shouldn’t have to hold the hand of an adult through a basic task there are times when people misread things, or misunderstand a situation.

10. Become Friends With Their Friends

This is one of those dating tips that work best later on in the relationship, however it is still a great piece of dating advice for women. By having mutual friends between yourself and your partner you will always have other people to talk with, and will still have a healthy relationship with the person that you like.

11. Embrace Your Sexuality

When it comes to finding any sort of relationships the best thing you can do is embrace your sexuality. By embracing who you are you will find that you have a much easier time finding the person you want to spend your life with.

Related reading: The Making of a Sexual Goddess

You're enough for everything you want on a dating scene

12. Don’t Settle For Less

If you plan to spend your life with a person it is important that they are the best person for you. They don’t have to be your absolute best friend, however good relationships will never have you doubting the relationship that you are in.

13. Don’t Let One Bad Date Ruin Things For You

Past experiences have a way of getting under our skin. Many women will experience one bad date and be put off from dating life for a while before they feel comfortable enough to start dating again. Because of this one of the best pieces of dating advice for women is to not let one bad experience ruin things for you.

If you go on a first date with someone and they were just awful to the point where you were already rejecting the idea of a second date, don’t let that one bad experience keep you away from dating. Instead move to the next date and keep going until you find the right partner.

Remember that you can always get something good out of a bad date.

“We have all been on bad dates before. Maybe it was bad because he talked too much or too little, or maybe there was no chemistry or attraction. Whatever it is, if you go on enough dates you are bound to hit a few bumps in the road and when you do, the best thing to do is be prepared for it.”

Amie, the dating coach

14. Know Your Worth

Before a woman should decide to go on a date, they should be honest with themselves and know their worth from the beginning. Regardless of their status all people are deserving of love, respect, and effort. Don’t be afraid to say what you expect from a partner, and if they use bad behavior, or even suggest that you deserve less than what you are worth don’t wait. Walk away and act as if they don’t exist because you don’t need to deal with that toxicity.

15. Build Your Financial Freedom

There’s always an expectation that the man should pay, however there are a lot of people these days who are moving away from that ideology. After all, most women work outside of the home nowadays and have access to their own money. When you go out for a date with a person bring your own money just to be safe. If they offer to pay for you that’s great, but if they don’t remember that the biggest thing that matters is that they are spending time with you.

This is also a matter of safety. You should always have money to cover your meal, leave, and pay for your own ride home.

16. Unconventional Dates Are Worth Trying

As a girl you probably imagined your first date with a guy to be something along the lines of going out to a nice restaurant and seeing a movie after that. As nice as those dates can be as you have grown up you have probably started to realize that while those dates are okay you probably want to be a bit more open minded about where you want to go and your partner probably feels the same way.

Don’t just assume that they only want to do those basics, make a suggestion of the very first thing that comes to mind. Collecting rocks at the beach, going to an escape room and seeing how you work together, buying the ingredients for a weird drink recipe and making it at the park, or even the suggestion of axe throwing. All of these are considered to be unconventional ideas for the first time you go on a date with someone, however it can be a lot of fun to just hang out with each other and see what might happen.

17. Don’t Rush Things

There’s an expectation to follow a certain timeline that causes a lot of people to just rush through the dating phase. However a common piece of dating advice for women is to not rush through that point in your relationship. Have fun with each other, go on dates, talk about your dreams, and have a great time as you process your way through the relationships you have at your own pace. You don’t need to follow certain expectations if you don’t want to.

18. Be Open to Sex Talks

Sex is one of the most natural parts of any relationship and while you probably don’t envision yourself jumping right into a sexual relationship with someone on the first date you should at least let them know you’re at least interested as you go out more.

Have a discussion about who should make the first move. Tell the guy you are with what you think would feel good and ask them about the things they like and what they think would be fun to try.

You could also discuss things that you don’t enjoy, get ideas for safe words, as well as fetishes that you may be interested in. Although it might be a bit vulgar for some this type of conversation is important to have early on in the relationship in order to figure out how well you match with each other. This article written by Andrea Balboni is a great primer on discussing sex early in a relationship.

Feel Empowered to Define Your Dating Life!

Only you get to define your dating success. Never compromise your principles, and remember that your happiness is the only litmus test.

Love&Sex Expert
Cherie Hamilton

I’ve always been inspired by women who are outgoing, very sure of themselves, and not afraid to be who they were, including their sex lives. Under their tutelage, I gradually shed my old self, hung out and socialized with them, and, over time, became the empowered, self-confident, and sexual woman I am today. Happy to share my insights with other women today!

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